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Sustainable concrete pots from construction and demolition debris with an emphasis on design

New for this year will be sustainable concrete pots for both indoor and outdoor plants with an emphasis on design and maximum use of secondary raw materials. We support the idea of a supplier whose goal is to reduce the environmental impact of concrete and save our natural resources. Our first joint project in the last quarter of last year was the planting of interior greenery in the offices of the “BP Stavby Morava” in Olomouc.
Sustainable concrete pots from construction and demolition debris with an emphasis on design

We also keep up with the times, and long-term sustainability is no stranger to us. This is evidenced by our several years old company project, “Platns2ndChance”, with the regular sale of recycled plants in the form of bazaars from our warehouse inventory.

In our wide range of interior and exterior flower containers we included concrete containers from construction and demolition debris. A frequently incorporated raw material here is glass obtained from the glass manufacturer, “Preciosa Ornela”.

This type of container is hand polished to make the concrete structure of the containers stand out, featuring the luxurious glass. Each container is grounded and polished to give it a unique structure and appearance.

You can choose from smaller container sizes suitable for succulents or table plants, but also large containers for tall solitary plants.

Simple shapes will provide the flowers with sufficient insulation, the weight of the concrete will provide stability. 

And why it is all worth it             

  • Replacing natural stone saves natural resources (for large containers we save up to 52 kg of natural stone).
  • Recycling old concrete saves CO2 emissions
  • These concrete containers can be recycled repeatedly
  • They have the same design look and structure as natural concrete

By working together, we contribute to the circular economy and the repeated recycling cycle of products.

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