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References from YUAR...Your_Urbanism_&_Architecture

YUAR is an international team of architects whose primary projects are offices and corporate design. Projects are complex and for this they needed a reliable partner for the design and delivery of biophilic design. We are extremely happy that they chose us.
References from YUAR...Your_Urbanism_&_Architecture

At YUAR, we focus primarily on office space. While careful planning of every detail is our daily activity, our architects and designers do not necessarily have know-how about plants and greenery. That's why we're especially grateful to partner with Jungle Interirors. With their ideas and possibilities, they always come up with the most suitable solution for our designs. We are grateful for the rich cooperation so far and look forward to many joint projects in the future.

Ing. arch. Tomáš Livňanský
Project manager
Trading partner

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Information about the processing of the personal data of customers and potential customers of JUNGLE INTERIORS, s.r.o., a corporation having its registered office at Prague 5, Mahenova 9/181, ID No. 26454327, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, entry 83348, can be found HERE